Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Its January, What did YOU spend your Christmas Gift Cards On?

Twas the season of giving last month. Inevitabley a lot of us probably ended up with at least one gift card. Then the question comes into play. Frivolous or Practical? In these tough financial times, its easy to lean towards practical. So many of these new "superstores" sell groceries, linens, and other necessities mixed in with fun costume jewelry, clothes and even electonic gadgets making that internal conflict that much more intense. This year, our 13 year old son bent towards frivolous, which made us say, whay not? Its Christmas!

Thanks to the magic of the internet and countless hours of contemplation, our son found the perfect website to enter that Visa Gift Card number that was sure to actually burn a hole in his pocket soon. A few days later, UPS delivered this:

A 26 pound Gummy Bear. For a minute, we all felt like 13 year old kids. Then the minute left and we actually realized the gross - factor of this ball off edible goo. The smiles were worth it as that gift card gave us a memory.
The next day I bypassed the grocery section and went for a new pair of pink converse tennis shoes. They're rediculous, and I love them.

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